
Could I find a trifecta?

I remember the first time early in my career I heard someone refer to the project triangle. I thought it was so simple, yet brilliant.

The project triangle factors in three things: time, quality and cost. The idea is that for any project, you can only have two of the three. For example, if you want something with high quality and low cost, you'll have to sacrifice having it finished quickly. If you want something finished quickly and done well, it's going to cost you more money. If you want something inexpensive and fast, the quality will suffer. Get the idea?

I've realized that most likely I won't find everything I want in a job offer. It's similar to house hunting ... you'll never find the perfect house, no matter how much money you have to spend. So I got to thinking about this model applied to my job search. I've replaced the time, quality and cost with company, salary and job function.

Regardless of my talents and experience, I'll have to make sacrifices, but which sacrifices should I make? I decided that if I find an opportunity that meets two of the three, it's probably worth my time applying for.

OK, let's get started.

I recently applied for two communications jobs at Michigan State University, my alma mater. I have had a dream of going to work for them since I earned my degree back in 2005. I'm a die-hard Spartan and bleed green through and through. My two-month-old son sported a Spartan cap before a diaper. Understand my feelings for this school?

Now when I apply my new model to this opportunity, here's the outcome: The company - MSU - is one I would LOVE to work with. The job? It's in communications and the description makes it sound like something that I am passionate about. How about the salary ... from my immediate Googling, it looks like I'd have to take a pay cut from what I was making at my previous employer.

My theory is proved true. If I get the company and the job function, I don't get the salary. But it meets two out of the three, so it's worth it. If I were offered a fat salary for a company I liked, but had luke-warm feelings for the job itself, it'd still be a good opportunity.

But maybe, just maybe, I'll find a trifecta.

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  1. i'd never heard of this triangle but it makes perfect sense. I think in your shoes (yes even the new ones) I'd be putting the emphasis on the employer and the job than the salary. You could easily go for a job with an attractive salary but hate every minute of each day. How miserable would that be??

  2. I agree with you, though I think there's a line I can't really fall below when it comes to salary only because right now my husband and baby depend on me to support them. But I certainly would take a small pay cut to do something I love with a company I adore. Or maybe I could just make a living from blogging. :)
